Results for 'Steven A. Gedeon'

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  1.  15
    Empowering Students for Future Work and Productive Citizenry Through Entrepreneurship Education.Steven A. Gedeon - 2022 - Public Affairs Quarterly 36 (3):197-210.
    Public policy makers are calling for all university students to learn entrepreneurial competencies to prepare them to be productive citizens in an unpredictable future. Far more than simply starting up businesses, entrepreneurship is increasingly seen as a student-centric pedagogical technique (teaching through entrepreneurship) for helping students learn desperately needed foundational skills and attitudes such as curiosity, creativity, opportunity spotting, grit, resilience, proactivity, adaptability, empathy, self-efficacy, motivation, and tolerance for uncertainty and risk. This article describes generational trends that make this education (...)
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    A Rational Egoism Approach to Virtue Ethics.Jeffrey Overall & Steven A. Gedeon - 2019 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 38 (1):43-78.
    Woiceshyn showed that leaders who exhibit rational egoistic behaviors not only make decisions that lead to organizational success, but that these decisions are also ethical. Woiceshyn’s ethical decision-making model consists of seven fundamental virtues associated with rational egoism: rationality, productiveness, justice, independence, honesty, integrity, and pride. In this paper, we define the rational egoism construct using a virtues-based ethical framework. We compare and contrast the seven virtues under rational egoism with alternative interpretations that arise under altruism, deontology, and teleology in (...)
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    Rational Egoism Virtue-Based Ethical Beliefs and Subjective Happiness: An Empirical Investigation.Jeffrey Overall & Steven Gedeon - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (1):51-72.
    The fields of positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and goal-setting have all demonstrated that individuals can modify their beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors to improve their subjective happiness. But which ethical beliefs affect happiness positively? In comparison to ethical belief systems such as deontology, consequentialism, and altruism, rational egoism appears to be alone in suggesting that an individual’s long-term self-interest and subjective happiness is possible, desirable, and moral. Albeit an important theoretical foundation of the rational egoism philosophy, the relationship (...)
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    How Do We Believe?Steven A. Sloman - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (1):31-44.
    Topics in Cognitive Science, Volume 14, Issue 1, Page 31-44, January 2022.
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    Similarity as an explanatory construct.Steven A. Sloman & Lance J. Rips - 1998 - Cognition 65 (2-3):87-101.
  6.  60
    A Genealogical Analysis of the Concept of ‘Good’ Teaching: A Polemic.Steven A. Stolz - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (1):144-162.
    In this essay I intentionally employ Nietzsche's genealogical method as a means to critique the complex concept of ‘good’ teaching, and at the same time reconstitute ‘good’ teaching in a form that is radically different from contemporary accounts. In order to do this, I start out by undertaking a genealogical analysis to both reveal the complicated historical development of ‘good’ teaching and also disentangle the intertwining threads that remain hidden from us so we are aware of the core threads that (...)
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  7. A brief disquisition regarding the nature of the object of the moral act according to St. Thomas Aquinas.Steven A. Long - 2003 - The Thomist 67 (1):45-71.
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    The Philosophy of Physical Education: A New Perspective.Steven A. Stolz - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The discipline area of physical education has historically struggled for legitimacy, sometimes being seen as a non-serious pursuit in educational terms compared to other subjects within the school curriculum. This book represents the first attempt in nearly 30 years to offer a coherent philosophical defence and conceptualisation of physical education and sport as subjects of educational value, and to provide a philosophically sound justification for their inclusion in the curriculum. The book argues that rather than relegating the body to ‘un-thinking’ (...)
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    Explanatory coherence and the induction of properties.Steven A. Sloman - 1997 - Thinking and Reasoning 3 (2):81 – 110.
    Statements that share an explanation tend to lend inductive support to one another. For example, being told that Many furniture movers have a hard time financing a house increases the judged probability that Secretaries have a hard time financing a house. In contrast, statements with different explanations reduce one another s judged probability. Being told that Many furniture movers have bad backs decreases the judged probability that Secretaries have bad backs. I pose two questions concerning such discounting effects. First, does (...)
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  10.  26
    Too Much of a Good Thing? On the Relationship Between CSR and Employee Work Addiction.Steven A. Brieger, Stefan Anderer, Andreas Fröhlich, Anne Bäro & Timo Meynhardt - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):311-329.
    Recent research highlights the positive effects of organizational CSR engagement on employee outcomes, such as job and life satisfaction, performance, and trust. We argue that the current debate fails to recognize the potential risks associated with CSR. In this study, we focus on the risk of work addiction. We hypothesize that CSR has per se a positive effect on employees and can be classified as a resource. However, we also suggest the existence of an array of unintended negative effects of (...)
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  11.  35
    Prosociality in Business: A Human Empowerment Framework.Steven A. Brieger, Siri A. Terjesen, Diana M. Hechavarría & Christian Welzel - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):361-380.
    This study introduces a human empowerment framework to better understand why some businesses are more socially oriented than others in their policies and activities. Building on Welzel’s theory of emancipation, we argue that human empowerment—comprised of four components: action resources, emancipative values, social movement activity, and civic entitlements—enables, motivates, and entitles individuals to pursue social goals for their businesses. Using a sample of over 15,000 entrepreneurs from 43 countries, we report strong empirical evidence for two ecological effects of the framework (...)
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  12. Types of Event-Related Potentials Event-related brain waves are, by definition, time-locked to some specifiable event, which may be a stimulus input, a response output, or an intermediate stage of sensory or cognitive processing that is more or less directly linked to observable events. Indeed, it may well be that many of the waves being generated continu.Steven A. Hillyard - 1979 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology. , Volume 2. pp. 2--346.
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    Synthesis as a route to knowledge.Steven A. Benner - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (4):357-367.
    A science is an intellectual activity defined by its mechanisms that prevent its scientists from always reaching the conclusions that they set out to reach. Such mechanisms are needed because, if scientists are given full control over what hypotheses they select, what data they discard, and what results they publish, they can communicate any conclusion that they desire. Synthesis, by setting a grand challenge, forces scientists across uncharted territory where they encounter and solve unscripted problems. When theory is inadequate, the (...)
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  14. Norms.Steven A. Hetcher - 1991 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago
    A philosophical conception of norms is developed and defended. Chapter I first examines the received view of norms in the social scientific and philosophical literature. On this view, norms are rule-like, an essentially subjective or internal conception. It will be argued, however, that norms are better described as patterns of behavior, an objective or external conception. The pattern view achieves a better fit with our intuitive understanding of norms, and is better suited to the role norms are to play in (...)
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    Opening editorial: The changing face of Cognition.Steven A. Sloman - 2015 - Cognition 135:1-3.
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    The empirical case for two systems of reasoning.Steven A. Sloman - 1996 - Psychological Bulletin 119 (1):3-22.
    Distinctions have been proposed between systems of reasoning for centuries. This article distills properties shared by many of these distinctions and characterizes the resulting systems in light of recent findings and theoretical developments. One system is associative because its computations reflect similarity structure and relations of temporal contiguity. The other is "rule based" because it operates on symbolic structures that have logical content and variables and because its computations have the properties that are normally assigned to rules. The systems serve (...)
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  17.  43
    Empowering Women: The Role of Emancipative Forces in Board Gender Diversity.Steven A. Brieger, Claude Francoeur, Christian Welzel & Walid Ben-Amar - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):495-511.
    This study investigates the effect of country-level emancipative forces on corporate gender diversity around the world. Based on Welzel’s theory of emancipation, we develop an emancipatory framework of board gender diversity that explains how action resources, emancipative values and civic entitlements enable, motivate and encourage women to take leadership roles on corporate boards. Using a sample of 6390 firms operating in 30 countries around the world, our results show positive single and combined effects of the framework components on board gender (...)
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  18.  25
    The False Theory undergirding Condomitic Exceptionalism: A Response to William F. Murphy Jr. and Rev. Martin Rhonheimer.Steven A. Long - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (4):709-731.
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    Recurrent Noncoding Mutations in Skin Cancers: UV Damage Susceptibility or Repair Inhibition as Primary Driver?Steven A. Roberts, Alexander J. Brown & John J. Wyrick - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (3):1800152.
    Somatic mutations arising in human skin cancers are heterogeneously distributed across the genome, meaning that certain genomic regions (e.g., heterochromatin or transcription factor binding sites) have much higher mutation densities than others. Regional variations in mutation rates are typically not a consequence of selection, as the vast majority of somatic mutations in skin cancers are passenger mutations that do not promote cell growth or transformation. Instead, variations in DNA repair activity, due to chromatin organization and transcription factor binding, have been (...)
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  20. Evangelium vitae, St. Thomas Aquinas, and the death penalty.Steven A. Long - 1999 - The Thomist 63 (4):511-552.
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  21. On the possibility of a purely natural end for man.Steven A. Long - 2000 - The Thomist 64 (2):211-237.
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  22. Personal receptivity and act: A thomistic critique.Steven A. Long - 1997 - The Thomist 61 (1):1-31.
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    Steven M. Cahn and Andrew T. Forechimes, eds., Principles of Moral Philosophy: Classic and Contemporary Approaches.Steven A. Benko - 2018 - Teaching Ethics 18 (1):104-106.
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    On Instruments and Aesthetics.Steven A. Miller - 2013 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 5 (2).
    Larry A. Hickman and Albert Borgmann have carried on a decades-long debate about the status and value of technological practices. Hickman’s work develops from the thought of John Dewey. A recent essay alleges that Hickman’s engagement with Borgmann has been superficial, particularly because full engagement would involve admitting that Dewey’s instrumentalist theory of inquiry and his aesthetics are at odds. This paper argues not only that Hickman has attended to the full scope of Borgmann’s thought but also that Dewey is (...)
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    Educating the moral artist: Dramatic rehearsal in moral education.Steven A. Fesmire - 1995 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 13 (3):213-227.
    Recent sociological studies, like Robert Bellah’s Habits of the Heart, support the claim that Americans retain an ideal of isolated self-sufficiency. Yet the material conditions of our culture require ideals that shun exclusiveness and encourage associated living. The result of this dissonance is that Americans tend to approach their own and others’ values in a way that boils down to irrational personal preference. …Such is the cultural predicament that a theory of moral education must ultimately confront. In this essay I (...)
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  26.  12
    Finite Transcendence: Existential Exile and the Myth of Home.Steven A. Burr - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    Finite Transcendence: Existential Exile and the Myth of Home introduces and situates “existential exile” as an experience of the fundamental finitude of human existence and demonstrates how a particular way of responding in faith may enable one to find home in exile. Using the literary and philosophical oeuvre of Albert Camus as a model, this book demonstrates the manner in which mythic literature can both present and engage the condition of exile toward its possible transcendence.
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  27. Linguistic understanding and belief.Steven A. Gross - 2005 - Mind 114 (453):61-66.
    Comment on Dean Pettit, who replies in same issue.
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  28.  8
    Philosophy and Incarnation.Steven A. Long - 1995 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    This study examines the logical coherence of the theological claim that Jesus was "truly man and truly God." The primary question dealt with is whether or not it is possible for one person to have all of the properties necessary for being fully divine and all of the properties necessary for being fully human. The philosophical approach is analytic, focusing upon alleged coherence problems generated by applying the Indiscernibility of Identicals to statements about Jesus. Two extended arguments against the coherence (...)
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    John Dewey is a Tool: Lessons from Rorty and Brandom on the History of Pragmatism.Steven A. Miller - 2014 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 50 (2):246.
    Richard Rorty’s writings have long frustrated scholars of classical American philosophy. Robert Brandom’s recent engagements with the history of pragmatism have been met with similar disdain. This essay draws on Larry A. Hickman’s theory of technology and tool-use to find a productive framework for thinking through these interpretations. Foregrounding the purposes that guide their readings, we may find value where many readers have seen only ignorance. This strategy does not embrace interpretive relativism, nor does it preclude all scholarly criticism, but (...)
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    COVID-19 and medical professionals: lessons for agriculture.Steven A. Wolf - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (3):567-568.
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    Schematic representations of local environmental space guide goal-directed navigation.Steven A. Marchette, Jack Ryan & Russell A. Epstein - 2017 - Cognition 158 (C):68-80.
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  32.  16
    Community and Loyalty in American Philosophy: Royce, Sellars, and Rorty.Steven A. Miller - 2018 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of Abbreviations -- Introduction: 'We': The Dangerous Thing -- 1 The Sellarsian Ethical Framework -- 2 Josiah Royce's Philosophy of Loyalty -- 3 Richard Rorty's Quasi-Sellarsian We -- 4 On the Prospects of Redescribing Rorty Roycely -- Bibliography -- Index.
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    Thoughts on Analogy and Relation.Steven A. Long - 2015 - Quaestiones Disputatae 6 (1):73-89.
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    The Prehistory of Jordan, II: Perspectives from 1997.Steven A. Rosen, Hans Georg K. Gebel, Zeidan Kafafi & Gary O. Rollefson - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):100.
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  35.  21
    Causality and Chance: Response to Michael J. Dodds.Steven A. Long - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):527-541.
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  36. Response to Jensen on the Moral Object.Steven A. Long - 2005 - Nova et Vetera 3:101-108.
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    In This Issue.Steven A. Long - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (1):19-20.
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  38. The cortical microstructural basis of lateralized cognition: a review.Steven A. Chance - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:82475.
    The presence of asymmetry in the human cerebral hemispheres is detectable at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales. The horizontal expansion of cortical surface during development (within individual brains), and across evolutionary time (between species), is largely due to the proliferation and spacing of the microscopic vertical columns of cells that form the cortex. In the asymmetric planum temporale (PT), minicolumn width asymmetry is associated with surface area asymmetry. Although the human minicolumn asymmetry is not large, it is estimated to (...)
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  39. Providence, freedom, and natural law.Steven A. Long - 2006 - Nova et Vetera 4:557-605.
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  40. On the Loss, and the Recovery of Nature as a Theonomic Principle: Reflections on the Nature/Grace Controversy: Book Symposium on The Natural Desire to See God According to St. Thomas Aquinas and His Interpreters by Lawrence Feingold.Steven A. Long - 2007 - Nova et Vetera 5:133-184.
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    The Public Lives of Rural Older Americans.Steven A. Peterson & Robert J. Maiden - 1993 - Upa.
    Along with national data, this book uses two detailed questionnaires which were administered to older Americans in Allegany County, New York in 1983 and 1987 as the basis for exploring the public lives of rural older Americans. The authors discuss the factors that shape the political views and behavior of the rural elderly, consulting social, economic, health and nutritional variables.
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    Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Sport.Steven A. Miller - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (2):279-282.
  43.  33
    Progress within the bounds of memory.Steven A. Sloman - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):679-680.
  44.  51
    The problem of induction.Steven A. Sloman & D. Lagnado - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 95--116.
  45.  32
    Ethics in comedy: essays on crossing the line.Steven A. Benko (ed.) - 2020 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
    All humans laugh. However, there is little agreement about what is appropriate to laugh at. While laughter can unite people by showing how they share values and perspectives, it is also has the power to separate and divide. Humor that "crosses the line" can make people feel excluded and humiliated. This collection of new essays addresses possible ways that moral and ethical lines can be drawn around humor and laughter. What would a Kantian approach to humor look like? Do games (...)
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    Pure short-term memory capacity has implications for understanding individual differences in math skills.Steven A. Hecht & Todd K. Shackelford - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):124-125.
    Future work is needed to establish that pure short-term memory is a coherent individual difference attribute that is separable from traditional compound short-term memory measures. Psychometric support for latent pure short-term memory capacity will provide an important starting point for future fine-grained analyses of the intrinsic factors that influence individual differences in math skills.
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  47. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit and Their Indispensability for the Christian Moral Life: Grace as Motus.Steven A. Long - 2013 - Nova et Vetera 11 (2).
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    Goya's liberal iconography: Two images of jovellanos.Steven A. Mansbach - 1978 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 41 (1):340-344.
  49.  11
    Cognitive Representations and Institutional Hybridity in Agrofood Innovation.Steven A. Wolf & Gilles Allaire - 2004 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 29 (4):431-458.
    Product differentiation has emerged as a central dynamic in contemporary agrofood systems. Departure from the mode of standardization emblematic of agrofood modernization raises questions about future technical trajectories and the ways in which learning will be sustained. This article examines two innovation trajectories: the rapid coupling of biotechnologies and information technologies to yield products differentiated by constituent components—a model based on a cognitive logic of decomposition/ recomposition—and the proliferation of product networks that mobilize distinctive, localized resources to create complete identities—a (...)
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  50. St. Thomas Aquinas through the analytic looking-glass.Steven A. Long - 2001 - The Thomist 65 (2):259-300.
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